The Terrill Groups Mission Work In Peru

San Angelo, TX, Jan. 6, 2016 On Sunday, July 19, 2015 The Terrill Group, led by the President of Terrill Manufacturing Company (TMC), left the comfort of their own homes to spread the Gospel of Christ and lead a life of faith and adventure in Peru. The Terrill Group spent a little over a week working with Villa Milagro Ministries in Cajamarca, Peru, focusing mainly on Evangelism and Construction for the Peruvians.

What an amazing trip it turned out to be! Twent y-seven people from four different churches, with hearts knit together before the trip. We experienced a tremendous outflowing of the Spirit, both internally and in the Peruvian people. Vicki Terrill

The 2015 Terrill Group was divided into 3 teams; Construction, Childrens Ministry and Womens Ministry. The construction team, painted the new bathrooms at the Monte Sion School and constructed and installed 8 exterior doors and 16 interior stall doors for the new bathrooms. The doors that were manufactured by the team were made in a wood shop at Villa Milagro with many pieces of equipment donated by the Terrills. The childrens ministry team read bible stories to over 500 children, played games and taught arts and crafts. The womens ministry however, experienced an unexpected breakthrough between teaching the women songs and Romans Road, giving out wordless bookmarks and bibles and educating the women about feminine hygiene. The women shared heart felt testimonies that left the room and people hearts in awe of Christs mercy and love. A group of 70 women lined up to speak to The Terrill Groups women, through two wonderful translators that worked diligently to help spread the word. The women were touched by the Holy Spirit and felt God working in their hearts.

The Terrill Group left Cajamarca, Peru feeling blessed and hoping to have demonstrated to the Peruvian people Gods love and His gift of salvation to us.

The Terrill Group began their mission work in Peru 14 years ago when Kent Terrill decided to follow his former Sunday school teacher, Larry Johnson, who was called to mission work in Peru. Kent Terrill first joined a group to work with Villa Milagro Ministries in 2001, he has returned every year since and now for the past 4 years, Kent and his wife Vicki have been team leaders. Kent and Vicki lead a team of students, men and women every summer to help continue the work of Villa Milagro Ministries. Jesus said he isnt coming back until every person has seen and heard, Terrill reiterated when asked why he continues to go to Peru. Terrill believes the Groups work in Peru is not complete and feels it is important to see through his commitment to the Peruvian community and God. In addition to Cajamarca, Villa Milagro Ministries also services the Amazon Basin from Iquitos up the Rio Maranon to San Lorenzo.

Volunteers from Church of the Vine, Southland Baptist Church, Grace Temple Baptist Church, and Journey Bible Church participated in this years program. However, the Terrill Group has had participants from many cities in Texas and other States as well. Villa Milagro Ministries is financed by donations from individuals, churches nationwide and a number of Kent Terrills industrial connections, including friends from the Architectural Woodwork Institute, his Best Practices Group and Terrill Manufacturing Company. Over the last 5 years Miracle Village International fundraised $350,000 for the purchase of a new well drilling rig for the Water Well Ministry. The Water Well Ministry has provided schools, villages and communities with over 300 pure potable water wells for an estimated 150,000 people in northern Peru. The Monte Sion Baptist Health Clinic project was completed in 2013, and provides free medical care, medicine and spiritual counselling for children and families in need.

Kent and Vicki Terrill would like to encourage Spanish speakers and those who feel called to step out with the mens and womens ministries to join them in this wonderful endeavor next year.

  1. Then Jesus came to them and said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20. and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

The New International Version Bible, Matthew 28:18-20

If you would like to know more about Villa Milagro Ministries, Miracle Village International and the Terrill Groups efforts in Peru, please visit the Villa Milagro website at or contact Kent Terrill at (325) 655-7133 or

1 Comment

Chuck Graham

March 3, 2016 at 2:58 pm - Reply

This is an awesome witness.

I am searching for cabinet makers for my project in Greer, SC, and I was going to skip over you because you are more than 500 miles away. Having read this testimony, I have decided to include you in our specifications, and hope that you can be competitive, even though from such a distance away.

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